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Old 15 Jan 25, 11:24 PM  
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Originally Posted by Itsabunthing View Post
Huge problem! It's definitely not going to encourage using public transport, how would it? People aren't going to not have a car for that reason alone. What about wider travelling or public transport not being compatible with timings for work/appointments etc?

The planning (and I use that term lightly) they have done is a recipe for disaster.
Our buses stop running at about 8.30pm. It would be great to get the tube back from a night out then hop on a bus. I would not want to live here without a car.
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Old 16 Jan 25, 08:14 AM  
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Originally Posted by Universal VR View Post
I’m not without sympathy, we have three cars and have just had our driveway widened to create parking for up to four cars. At one time, we had five cars and parking for two. I think councils/planning departments should do more to force house builders to create more parking. Some four bed houses on our estate have just one parking space. Cars have to park somewhere and roads are too narrow to park on so they go up on the path. It makes my blood boil when I’m out walking but I can’t really blame the drivers.
Why should they do more? We need to be driving less & using public transport more. If you buy a house with only 1 parking space then that's what you have. Can't blaim the builder because people have bought a house that doesn't fit their lifestyle.

We've had just 1 car for 17 years. Before that me & DW got buses to work. DW actually had to get 3 every morning! Then they cut back on early morning buses so DW learnt to drive & I cycled.
Its 5.5 miles for me, so 55 miles a week & over 2500 a year cycling. I have no issues in the l almost at work where the cycle lane is completely blocked by these inconsiderate pavement parkers. All big 4+ bedroom houses with parking for 2-3 cars but they have 4 at least.
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Old 16 Jan 25, 08:53 AM  
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We’ve a problem with electric paid by journey bikes just left on pavements either flat or upright bang in middle of pavements, parked cars on pavements are also problematic, my mother is registered blind.
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Old 16 Jan 25, 08:54 AM  
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Mr Tom Morrow
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Originally Posted by quiddity View Post
Why should they do more? We need to be driving less & using public transport more. If you buy a house with only 1 parking space then that's what you have. Can't blaim the builder because people have bought a house that doesn't fit their lifestyle.

We've had just 1 car for 17 years. Before that me & DW got buses to work. DW actually had to get 3 every morning! Then they cut back on early morning buses so DW learnt to drive & I cycled.
Its 5.5 miles for me, so 55 miles a week & over 2500 a year cycling. I have no issues in the l almost at work where the cycle lane is completely blocked by these inconsiderate pavement parkers. All big 4+ bedroom houses with parking for 2-3 cars but they have 4 at least.
Why should we drive less? Public Transport for a huge swathe of the population is dire and unworkable. My commute was between 25 and 80 miles depending on where I was that day. My Son for 2 years had a 110 mile commute!

Councils need to serve ALL the people not just the fringe elements which they seem more concerned about. There is no easy fix and I agree that if people buy a property that doesn't cater for their parking needs then they as a home owner need to find a solution. However Councils in their drive to reduce the dependency on cars have badly failed to manage alternative public transport arrangements.

Pavement parking is unacceptable. However there is always a but. Some streets would be totally blocked if cars were not parked partly or fully on the pavements. Compromise and common sense is the key.


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Old 16 Jan 25, 09:50 AM  
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marypoppins38's Avatar
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There is a house around the corner from me that has space for two cars on the drive but they are a 3 car family. The road is wide so it wouldn't be necessary to park on the pavement and there are no parking restrictions. However, two of the cars are modified sporty looking things. They park these two cars on the drive and then manoeuvre the third car so it is horizontally behind the cars, tucked slightly in the drive, close up behind the two but taking up the whole of the pavement. You have to walk in the road around it. I assume they are doing it to prevent the others potentially getting stolen as it so tight in the drive it would take forever to manoeuvre it out before the other two could be moved. However, it is just down the road from a primary school so parents with buggies and children have to walk in the road around the car. Its utterly ridiculous. I believe there have been complaints about it but its still ongoing.
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Old 16 Jan 25, 10:40 AM  
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Originally Posted by Mr Tom Morrow View Post
Why should we drive less? Public Transport for a huge swathe of the population is dire and unworkable. My commute was between 25 and 80 miles depending on where I was that day. My Son for 2 years had a 110 mile commute!

Councils need to serve ALL the people not just the fringe elements which they seem more concerned about. There is no easy fix and I agree that if people buy a property that doesn't cater for their parking needs then they as a home owner need to find a solution. However Councils in their drive to reduce the dependency on cars have badly failed to manage alternative public transport arrangements.

Pavement parking is unacceptable. However there is always a but. Some streets would be totally blocked if cars were not parked partly or fully on the pavements. Compromise and common sense is the key.
We should drive less for the environment & your own health. Whilst I agree that public transport needs to be better it won't get better unless more people use it.
Most people I work with live within a mile of our store. Almost all drive to work. That's just lazy & causing unnecessary emissions as well as the cost to them.

As for a street being totally blocked, surely the common sense is you don't have a car unless you can park it legally & safely?
28/09/08-12/10/08 FIRST VISIT! comfort inn LBV
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Old 16 Jan 25, 12:38 PM  
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Where I live the houses were built in 1910, it's actually wide enough to park without using the pavements but not all these style of roads are. Should people with cars not buy them then?

On the rare occasions I am walking home at night I choose to walk in the road (it is a cul de sac) because since the council changed the street lights to LED there are parts of the path remaining unlit. That's hardly going to encourage use of public transport either, even if were available.
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Old 16 Jan 25, 12:40 PM  
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Originally Posted by Mr Tom Morrow View Post
Why should we drive less? Public Transport for a huge swathe of the population is dire and unworkable. My commute was between 25 and 80 miles depending on where I was that day. My Son for 2 years had a 110 mile commute!

Councils need to serve ALL the people not just the fringe elements which they seem more concerned about. There is no easy fix and I agree that if people buy a property that doesn't cater for their parking needs then they as a home owner need to find a solution. However Councils in their drive to reduce the dependency on cars have badly failed to manage alternative public transport arrangements.

Pavement parking is unacceptable. However there is always a but. Some streets would be totally blocked if cars were not parked partly or fully on the pavements. Compromise and common sense is the key.
Compromise and common sense? Two rarities out in the "wild".
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Old 16 Jan 25, 01:23 PM  
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Originally Posted by quiddity View Post
We should drive less for the environment & your own health. Whilst I agree that public transport needs to be better it won't get better unless more people use it.
Most people I work with live within a mile of our store. Almost all drive to work. That's just lazy & causing unnecessary emissions as well as the cost to them.

As for a street being totally blocked, surely the common sense is you don't have a car unless you can park it legally & safely?
I see from your signature that you’ve taken a lot of trips to Florida. How does this align with your views?
More propel can’t used public transport if it isn’t available. I wouodmt/couldn’t rely on public transport
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Old 16 Jan 25, 01:35 PM  
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Terry Munro
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If you are a 3 person family would you buy or rent a 1 bed property.
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