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Old 4 Oct 23, 10:26 AM  
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muffa2308's Avatar
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Any camera buffs?

Hey all.

So looking to upgrade our camcorder. Looking at a few vlogging kits. Not necessarily to vlog but to have high quality memories. Looking at 2 currently

Canon G7X MK II vlogger kit

Sony vlog camera ZV-14k

The Sony is more expensive but comes with a muffler but the canon comes with a grip. The grip for the Sony is £150 !

Any clues to what’s better or more suitable for on the go around the parks etc ?
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Old 4 Oct 23, 10:41 AM  
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Might get replies if you posted this in the Photo, Video & Vlogs sub-forum

{Admin Edit - Moved to sub - forum}

Edited at 10:44 AM.
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Old 4 Oct 23, 10:58 AM  
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👍 thanks
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Old 4 Oct 23, 11:22 AM  
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slightly serious Dibber
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Have had both of these and used them on our YouTube channel. The canon is an older model and has been replaced by the G7X MK3, it does have better image stability, but the Sony has better autofocus.

You can get something like a skinny muff adhesive muffler for the top of the canon to replicate the one on the ZV1, not as fancy but it works.

I don't film in 4k but the Sony will heat up quite a bit if you do, something worth bearing in mind in Florida heat... although it's only really an issue if you're filming long amounts of footage. I tend to be more stop start with minute long clips. I don't know how the ZV-1 mk2 copes with heat, only available for pre-order as yet and even more expensive!

Most vloggers make do with the basic manfrotto Pixi as a tripod/grip. I got the Sony one half price when I bought the camera. It's convenient to have the buttons on the handle, but pricey as you say.

A few people are now moving over to using iPhones as the video quality is so good from them and the image stability is great too. When I'm not using our ZV-1 I just use my Pixel 7 as it's always in my pocket.

Maybe not the best summary... But I guess if I could have the G7X image stability, with the ZV-1 focus I'd have the perfect middle ground!

Edited at 11:26 AM.
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Old 18 Oct 23, 03:50 PM  
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Originally Posted by kaytronika View Post
Have had both of these and used them on our YouTube channel. The canon is an older model and has been replaced by the G7X MK3, it does have better image stability, but the Sony has better autofocus.

You can get something like a skinny muff adhesive muffler for the top of the canon to replicate the one on the ZV1, not as fancy but it works.

I don't film in 4k but the Sony will heat up quite a bit if you do, something worth bearing in mind in Florida heat... although it's only really an issue if you're filming long amounts of footage. I tend to be more stop start with minute long clips. I don't know how the ZV-1 mk2 copes with heat, only available for pre-order as yet and even more expensive!

Most vloggers make do with the basic manfrotto Pixi as a tripod/grip. I got the Sony one half price when I bought the camera. It's convenient to have the buttons on the handle, but pricey as you say.

A few people are now moving over to using iPhones as the video quality is so good from them and the image stability is great too. When I'm not using our ZV-1 I just use my Pixel 7 as it's always in my pocket.

Maybe not the best summary... But I guess if I could have the G7X image stability, with the ZV-1 focus I'd have the perfect middle ground!
You can fix the overheating issue here.

I was going to buy a new camera but decided to put the money towards new iPhone 15 Pro Max with 512gb capacity, should do the job!
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Old 18 Oct 23, 04:15 PM  
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I had a ZV1. Never overheated on me. But it’s only a 1 inch sensor.
Get a Nikon Z30, hugely superior for about the same price. Significantly larger APSC sensor, and generally a brilliant camera. Better everything including low light performance, no contest. Slightly larger.
I have had over the past few years a Panasonic G9, ZV1, Z30 and now a ZVE1. The ZVE1 is amazing and worth every penny (same sensor and picture quality as the cameras they used to make ‘The Creator’ ) but overkill for anyone starting out and expensive at £2k for the body only. However, it’s a bargain as it has the same innards as the FX3 (which they filmed the movie The Creator with) which is £4k body only…. But I digress.
The Z30 with kit lens will also give you beautiful Jpegs with Nikon colour science straight out of camera. Top camera for the money. Sensor copes very well in low light at higher ISOs. You can also grow with that camera as it now has some lovely lenses including a Nikon stabilised ultra wide power zoom which is a bargain for what they sell it for with excellent image quality, but the kit lens is no slouch to start you off and collapses very small.
Alternative is Sony ZV E10 but the old menu system is a nightmare on that (as it is on ZV1 Mk I actually). The new Sony menu system is much better, but the Nikon one is much better for newbies.
The Z30 also has the best inbuilt mic on any camera ever made, even better than the AI one on my new ZVE1.
The ZV1 Mk1 is not wide enough and you really need to also order the stick on Ulanzi lens to get the most out of it. The Mk2 is wider but loses the wide aperture on zoom, and also is very expensive for what it is IMO.
All these cameras have similar names so read carefully
Edit just noticed the Nikon Z30 is on sale on Amazon at £709- no better camera for that price. Sometimes I wish I had kept it as a B cam.

Edited at 04:47 PM.
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Old 18 Oct 23, 06:38 PM  
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Originally Posted by MacUK View Post
You can fix the overheating issue here.

I was going to buy a new camera but decided to put the money towards new iPhone 15 Pro Max with 512gb capacity, should do the job!
My experience was after changing that setting, but thanks!

I do use my phone for most weekly vlogs these days but I will take a look at the Nikon Z30 out of interest also.
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