Terms and Conditions - theDIBB

1. Agreement

  1. Use of this site signifies you agree and accept our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.
  2. You agree that this site and it's operators x3 Internet Solutions LLP are not to be held responsible or liable for any user-generated content. Content submitted express the views of their author only.
  3. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages, and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless the DIBB, x3 Internet Solutions LLP and their agents with respect to any claim based upon transmission and storage of your message(s).
  4. By posting or uploading content (including any text, photographs, graphics, video or audio) to our site you are granting theDIBB with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your content in connection with the service this site provides. You retain copyright over the Content.
  5. We reserve the right to remove or edit any submitted content that in anyway, in our sole opinion, does not adhere to our Terms and Conditions or general well being of this site, without warning. You will not be notified if your post is moved, deleted, closed or edited. Admin decisions in this regard are final.
  6. We reserve the right to apply restrictions to a users account at any time if we deem it appropriate for the smooth running of the site.
  7. Any user that threatens a member of the DIBB Staff or the DIBB as a whole will have their account locked and all communication will cease immediately with that individual. This includes intimidation, harassment, bullying or threats of legal action.
  8. You have the right to have your account removed at any time - please refer to our privacy policy.

2. Usernames

  1. Your username on theDIBB must not contain advertising or identify you as a Business or a Villa owner in anyway, without the express permission of the DIBB Administrators.
  2. Your username must not contain racist, derogatory terms or swear words. You may be asked to change your username if we feel it is inappropriate for this site.

3. Forums

  1. Each person is allowed only one active login account.
  2. Personal comments aimed at other members where the comments could cause offence, arguments or unfriendliness are not allowed.
  3. Discussing the actions or posting habits of other members is not allowed.
  4. Religion and politics are two subject areas that can easily cause friction as such the DIBB restricts such topics. Genuine issues can be discussed as long as it does not involve debates around politicians, political parties or religious groups and their doctrines or ideologies.
  5. Posts regarding Animal Rights/Welfare of animals in theme parks. Aircraft Seat Reclining. COVID related debate on the rights or wrongs of vacination, mask wearing and other polarising issues are not allowed.
  6. Affiliate or referral links, or anything asking for a referral, this includes via PM, are not allowed except by Premium Members and only in the dedicated referral forum.
  7. Market research posts are not allowed unless an agreement from Admin has been granted.
  8. For sale items are not allowed unless you are a DIBB Premium Member, and then only post in the dedicated For Sale forum (Tickets, Coupons, Codes and Holidays may not be sold without a DIBB advertising agreement).
  9. Web links are not to be broken up to circumvent our censor and checking routines.
  10. If you have a vested interest in a product, service or business we do not allow you to post about these unless you hold an active advertising agreement with the DIBB.
  11. Posts or Personal Messages that are considered rude, abusive, insulting, unfriendly, argumentative, sarcastic, inflammatory, flaming, trolling or contain personal attacks, harassment, bullying, hate-speech or are considered homophobic, racist, anti-semitic, misogynistic, sexually suggestive are not allowed and will be considered a bannable offence.
  12. We're committed to making the DIBB a safe place. We will remove content that could contribute to a risk of harm to the physical security of persons. Content that threatens people and has the potential to intimidate, exclude or silence others isn't allowed on the DIBB
  13. Spamming is not allowed.
  14. Discussion of illegal activities are not allowed.
  15. Copies or extracts from Personal Messages are not allowed to be posted on the forums unless you have the explicit permission of the sender.
  16. Contests are not allowed to be posted without prior written DIBB administrator permission.
  17. Copyrighted material unless it is owned by yourself, the DIBB or you have written permission from the copyright owner is not allowed to be posted.
  18. Images and/or text copied from other sites unless you have written permission from the author/owner to do so are not allowed.
  19. Self promotion is not allowed, this includes requesting social media interaction.
  20. Whilst we allow links to other websites to be posted, members should not post direct links to posts on other forum or social media sites - please discuss the topic in question on the DIBB with a reference to the site where the referring information originated.
  21. All posts are to be made in English including profile and signature information.
  22. Advertising Villas or other rental properties or self promoting the fact that you or your family/friends own a Villa or rental property in posts or Personal message is not allowed, except for members that hold an advertising agreement with the DIBB.

4. Forum Signatures

  1. All Signatures must be written in English.
  2. External links and images are not allowed in signatures apart from advertisers that have an advertising agreement with theDIBB. Images may be inserted by using the built in User Control Panel.
  3. Signatures should not contain political, religious, sexual or racist comments.
  4. Signatures should not contain comments that refer to any grievances you may have.
  5. Signatures must not contain derogatory terms or swear words, or be used to promote or bad mouth companies or persons.
  6. Signature Size Limits are in place and controlled by our software. Different levels are assigned to different member groups, overriding our built in checks is strictly forbidden.

5. Reporting Posts and Bad behaviour

We encourage our members to report any Post or Personal Message (PM) that they object to rather than posting in the forums. To report a post just click the Red Triangle at the bottom left of the relevant post. A report will be sent to the administrators who will take any appropriate action. It may take up to 48 hours for any action to be taken. Please do not re-report the same post or pm because you think no action has been taken. You will not be notified and we may have decided that action is not required.

6. Advertisers Products and Services

If you use any of the companies or villa owners that advertise on this site please note that any transactions or dealings are solely between yourself and the respective advertiser or villa owner. The DIBB will not get involved with any disputes between members and advertisers or villa owners.

The DIBB is monetised with paid for advertising and affiliate linking using Skimlinks

7. Advertising Services and Solicitation

Apart from members that hold an advertising agreement with theDIBB, we do not allow people to post threads or to send personal messages or emails to users here that advertise or solicit any products, services, funds or donations. Advertising and solicitation in signatures or any Profile area is also prohibited.

8. Advertising on the DIBB

Please see the Advertising Details HERE.

If you wish to advertise your villa then please complete the following signup form HERE.

9. Updating these Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions may be changed at any time without notice. Changes to these Terms and Conditions become immediately effective upon being posted on this site.